
IOM Tanzania assists 8 stranded Madagascans to voluntarily return home

IOM Tanzania assists 8 stranded Madagascans to voluntarily return home

IOM Tanzania has assisted eight stranded Madagascan migrants to voluntarily return to their homes. The migrants were on a journey from Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, to Nosy Be, a small Madagascan Island in the Indian Ocean, when their boat was swept by a storm and capsized. The Madagascans were found and rescued by Tanzania’s Coastal Guards at Mtwara Seaport, Tanzania.

The Madagascans had frequently made this journey before, as many of them travel between the capital and Nosy Be for work opportunities. After being rescued, the migrants were interviewed by the Tanzanian authorities, who were convinced of the validity of the case and approached IOM Tanzania to assist with the return operation.  As it was the migrants’ intent to travel within Madagscan territory, none of them were in possession of travel documents when they were rescued. Hence, in order to facilitate the migrants’ return, the Tanzanian Ministry of Home Affairs swiftly issued the individuals with certificates of identification.

One of the Madagascans expressed his gratitude through the following words: “I wish to convey my heartfelt thanks to IOM and the Tanzanian authorities. You’ve fed us and provided shelter. We can’t pay you back but we sincerely hope that you’ll be rewarded by Allah’’.

This assistance was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Government of the United States, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), in the framework of the project “Addressing Irregular Migration Flows in Southern Africa”.

For more information please contact Charles Mkude at