
IOM Pilots Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring in Zanzibar, the United Republic of Tanzania

DTM Team and OCGS meeting with a local leader at Laini-Wete FMP

Enumerators at Ngalawa FMP in Zanzibar

Meeting with local leaders in Wete

Enumerators collecting data at KiziMkazi FMP in Zanzibar

Dar es Salaam – 12 October 2020

Under the regional project "Covid-19 Preparedness and Response in Southern and Horn of Africa", managed by the IOM Special Liaison Office (SLO) Addis Ababa, and financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), IOM, the United Nations (UN) Migration Agency in the United Republic of Tanzania is piloting Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Zanzibar.

The purpose of the project is to enhance stakeholder' access to information of human flows in and out of the islands of Zanzibar, which may be pertinent to COVID-19 planning and response.

IOM’s DTM is a system that, captures and monitor aggregated displacement and population movements.

It was designed to capture, process, and disseminate information regularly and to provide better understanding of movements and evolving needs of mobile populations in places of transit or displacement systematically.

The case of Zanzibar, IOM is utilizing DTM’s Flow Monitoring tool to survey people on the move at key Points of Entry (PoE's).

The data will provide insights into mobility trends, migration drivers and traveller profiles in and out of Zanzibar to inform programming by humanitarian and development partners and by the government. Participation in the survey is purely voluntary and anonymous.

In partnership with the Office of the Chief Government Statistician (OCGS) of Zanzibar, IOM will be implementing Flow Monitoring in five PoE's in Unguja and Pemba from 1 October 2020 till the end of the year.

Therefore, IOM has recruited and trained 10 enumerators and 2 senior enumerators for this purpose.

Working with the OCGS, IOM will process data collected, consolidate and share it on a monthly basis with Government officials and other humanitarian actors to inform humanitarian programming and implementation of the migration-related targets of the SDGs and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).

“IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is anchored towards providing evidence to inform regular programming and action by IOM, Government partners, and other development partners.” stated the IOM Chief of Mission to the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr Qasim Sufi.


To learn more about IOM DTM worldwide at:

For more information on this project, contact:

Mr Blick Nuwe, DTM Coordinator, e-mail: or Tel: +255 769 031 847

Ms. Sarah Abdalla email: or  Tel.:+255 625 998 823