
IOM, Disaster Management Department of the Prime Minister’s Office, Facilitate Mentorship Programme on Disaster Risk Reduction in the United Republic of Tanzania

Group photo for guest of honour (at the centre, front line) and participants.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with the Disaster Management Department (DMD) of the United Republic of Tanzania’s Prime Minister’s Office conducted a mentorship programme on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Iringa region from 26 July to 30 July 2021.

The mentorship programme is a part of the project titled “Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction in the United Republic of Tanzania” financed by the IOM Development Fund. The objective of the project is to support the DRR strategy of the United Republic of Tanzania through community-based disaster risk management.

The mentorship programme aimed at enhancing community participation in socially inclusive DRR in the United Republic of Tanzania.

IOM and DMD conducted the mentorship programme for youth volunteers from Dodoma, Iringa, Songwe and Tabora regions. Officers from the Disaster Management Department from Dodoma, Tanzania Red Cross Society (TRCS) and Dar es Salaam Multi-Agency Emergency Response Team (DarMAERT) participated as facilitators during the programme.

The volunteers learned how to conduct basic first aid and evacuation protocols, how to ensure security and coordination during emergencies, the importance of gender and vulnerable groups inclusion in DRR, among other things. The facilitators leveraged various techniques to transfer knowledge to the volunteers including through presentations, practical trainings and simulation exercises.

During the mentorship programme, the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr. Kaspar K. Mmuya, noted that the government of the United Republic of Tanzania has shifted its paradigm from disaster response to disaster prevention and preparedness.

Mmuya encouraged the volunteers to use their newly acquired knowledge and skills to educate their communities in order to strengthen resilience to disasters.

Overall, the five-day mentorship programme achieved the following results:

  1. Improved understanding of disaster volunteers on existing disaster management policy, institution and legal framework in the United Republic of Tanzania; and
  2. Improved practical skills of disaster volunteers on life saving and evacuation during emergencies and disasters.

The youth volunteers expressed that they had found the mentorship to be valuable. With the aim of reducing disaster risks and strengthening community resilience to disasters, the volunteers committed to sharing their knowledge and skills on DRR with the broader community through awareness raising activities in Dodoma, Iringa, Songwe and Tabora.

Moreover, the volunteers committed to advocating to their local governments to mobilize disaster management committees and resources for DRR as per existing legal frameworks on disaster risk management in the United Republic of Tanzania.


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Reuben Mbugi at or tel.: +255 718 983 910