
Diaspora Engagement Workshop 22-24 January 2014, Dar es Salaam

Diaspora Engagement Workshop 22-24 January 2014, Dar es Salaam

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is launching a new outreach project to Tanzanians living abroad (the Diaspora), entitled “‘Enhancing the Migration Evidence Base for the Development of Tanzania”. The project will start with a Diaspora Engagement workshop and a Training of Trainers event in Dar es Salaam from 22nd to 24th and 27th to 29th of January 2014. Both events will take place at the JB Belmont Hotel in Dar es Salaam and include high-level representatives and key stakeholders from government ministries, academia, civil society organizations, and renowned research institutions.

The diaspora engagement workshop aims to highlight the many ways in which diaspora can contribute to national development and see how this fits within the context of Tanzania. The ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation estimates the number of Tanzanian’s living in the diaspora equal approximately 2,000,000[1]. Engaging with the diaspora and creating opportunities for transfer of human, social and financial capital could result in enhanced development, particularly in sectors such as education and health but also in view of expanding private sector investments in Tanzania, which would lead an increase in employment opportunities.

In addition to the above mentioned events, the overall project which seeks to provide better understanding and increased knowledge on Tanzania’s migrationwill also include the creation of a “Migration Profile”. This publication provides a snapshot of the migratory flows through Tanzania, including the stock of immigrants, emigrants, diaspora, asylum seekers etc. The Migration Profile will also offer insight to the relationship between the migratory flows and key development sectors such as agriculture, health, education etc. Such qualitative and quantitative data can then serve as an evidence base for policy makers who wish to maximize the impact that migration can have on national development.

The project launch follows the Government of Tanzania’s request for IOM’s technical and financial support to i) promote enhanced coordination amongst ministries on migration matters; ii) undertake a comprehensive Migration Profile; iii) enhance the understanding of approaches to diaspora engagement; and iv) support the creation of a diaspora web site. The project is funded through IOM’s International Development Fund (IDF).

For more information, please contact Mia Immelback at IOM Tanzania. Tel. +255 (0)688 53 73 25. Email:


